Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Promise of a new Day

To wait for someone else, or to expect someone else to make my life richer, or fuller, or more satisfying, puts me in a constant state of suspension. —Kathleen Tierney Andrus—

How tempting it is to make another person responsible for our happiness, and how absurd. To give such power means we’re at their mercy; it does not mean we’re

happy. Whereas, accepting full responsibility for our own acts and feelings does give us the power to be happy as we choose, as often as we choose.
Emotional maturity precludes our blaming or praising another for our personal well-being. There is reason to be exhilarated that we are blessed with so much control as

we choose to have over our own growth, happiness, and commitment to change. We’re in another’s control only by choice—never by necessity. And when we’ve given our precious power away, we’re reduced to waiting—waiting for someone else’s nod of approval, waiting for their invitation to live.
The time is now to decide for myself who I am, where I’m going, and why! The time is now.