In soloing—as in other activities—it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it. —Amelia Earhart—
Our inspiration to master any art, to attain any goal, to tackle any project, comes from within—the center of all knowledge.
All of us are gifted with all knowledge. When the desire to pursue a particular avenue keeps presenting itself, we should pay heed,
trusting that we will be shown the way to succeed. This desire is our invitation to develop our talents in the ways that may even be foreign to our conscious minds. The decision to trust the desire is only the first step in tackling a new project. What comes after is effort and daily recommitment to completion of the goal or project.
It is much easier to switch goals or projects than to see them to their end, but it’s in their doing that we develop our talents to their fullest. Each time we back off, letting our commitment die, we are opting for less than a full life. No one else can handle a project in just our way.
Today I’ll be faced with staying on top of my goals. I must remember the source of my inspiration and trust it.