Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Promise of a new Day

Now in the middle of days I glean this truth that has a flower’s freshness: life is the gold and sweetness of wheat, hate is brief and love immense.
-Gabriella Mistral…

Eternal truths are always fresh. That’s why so many people treasure a daily spiritual guide as an occasion for meditation. Each day we can refresh our spirits with the help of such a guide. Meditation is a process of simplifying, emptying out, concentrating our minds. We won’t achieve much spiritual progress from simply reading these words; they’re just the beginning, just the signpost.

Growth comes from the work we do, transforming spiritual nourishment into the strength we need. Some of us are skeptical at first. We Don’t believe we need to acquire any more disciplines; our spirits are in fine shape, thanks very much. But then we notice a change in our friends or intimates; they’ve made a discovery. Mysteriously, their lives are straightening out. Maybe we ought to try some of whatever they’ve got. It doesn’t matter how we come to a program of spiritual growth. The truth was here all the time, waiting for us. I can’t speak the truth too often; it’s new everyday.