It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself. —Eleanor Roosevelt—
Equality is a state of mind. When we value our own self-worth, we are comfortable with the achievements and the well-being of our friends and associates. The symptoms of a punctured ego occur when we criticize others and make demands we don’t want to fulfill ourselves. Most of us experience wavering self-confidence on occasion. It may haunt us when a big task faces us. Or it may visit us when we least expect it. It’s a facet of the human condition to
sometimes lack self-assurance. At times we need to remember that life is purposeful, and the events involving us are by design. Almost daily we’ll face situations we fear are more than we can handle, and we’ll hope to pass the task off to another. It’s well for us to remember that we’re never given a task for which we’re not prepared. Nor should we pass on to others those activities we need to experience personally if our growth is to be complete.
I must do my own growing today. If I ask others to do what I should do, I’ll not fulfill my part of life’s bargain.