It’s important to know that words don’t move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains. —Danilo Dolci…
Exercising our spiritual muscles for the arduous and exacting work of faith is a new thing for many of us. Our culture doesn’t seem to put the same value on spiritual power as it does on muscles or intellect. Yet a strong and agile spirit, the kind that can do the work that moves mountains,
is possible for us all.Like the muscles of our arms and legs, the spirit swells and grows with use. Small acts of faith will show us the way.
As We grow increasingly secure, we are capable of greater and greater leaps of faith. Real prayer, real meditation, means touching and using that inner core of faith, and the more we do it, the stronger it grows. The fullest life is possible for those whose powers are the best developed. If we choose to move mountains we must be prepared to work. Even achieving freedom of choice in our lives means developing our spirits. My spiritual power matches the task at hand. As I become stronger, I can accomplish greater things.