Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Promise of a new Day

When we think of cruelty, we must try to remember the stupidity, the envy, the frustration from which it has arisen.
—Edith Sitwell—

Our outer behavior matches our inner state of mind and emotional well-being. Our expectations of others are consistent with our personal expectations. When we feel less than adequate because of our imperfections, we treat others like failures, too. How someone treats us today indicates how that person feels about herself or himself.Self-love is lacking wherever people criticize others destructively, and self-love is necessary before we can offer love to any of the people in our lives. Developing self-love requires discipline. Our existence verifies our value as human beings.

Understanding that our lives do have purpose contributes to Our ability to love ourselves. Today is day one for me to develop my loving behavior.