Old folks—and here I’m talking about myself—need more than anything else to feel they are needed, that they have a purpose in life. —Ruth Youngdahl Nelson—
Believing that we count in the lives of others, that others need us and appreciate our contribution in the workplace, the community, and at home is a universal need. In those times when reassurance from others is lacking,
we must simply remember that every one of us is unique, and created to contribute to our surroundings in an individually inspired ways. At every moment we are leveling an impact on the physical, mental, and emotional environment of the community that surrounds us. We are not without purpose. The daily activities which invite our attention are the paths to growth and fulfillment which are fitting for the contributions we are called on to offer. We are obligated to do our part. My involvement in life has meaning. I may not wholly understand the part I’m playing but I can trust that I’m being invited, today, to participate in matters influencing a bigger picture.