Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Promise of a New Day


Memory is the power to gather roses in the winter. — Anonymous—

What a marvelous capacity we each have to capture and savor the bliss of past moments. They serve to comfort us while we’re enduring the pain of the present. However, it’s the present experience that has called us to attention. Within its context we’ll be challenged to tackle the lessons for which past memories have prepared us. Notwithstanding the comfort of the past,

we’d do well not to hang on to past memories unrelentingly. Only by flowing with the present and absorbing how these events puncture our lives, are we grasping the full experience our lives offer. There are too many people who live half-lives, and thus find half-joys because they fail to give up the past for the fuller measure that is offered in the present. Fortunately, we are blessed with the power to live in the here and now, if we so choose. Freedom of choice is the special gift of the human condition. I’ll appreciate my gift of choice today and linger in the past only as it benefits the better part of the present.