Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Tightly Bunched Bouquet Of Fall Flowers

Thought For The Day

This sober world is a pleasant place for an alcoholic to
live in. Once you’ve gotten out of your alcoholic fog, you
find that the world looks good. You find real friends in
A.A. You get a job. You feel good in the morning. You eat
a good breakfast and you do a good day’s work at home or
outside. And your family loves you and welcomes you because
you’re sober. Am I convinced that this sober world is a
pleasant place for an alcoholic to live in?

Meditation For The Day

Our need is God’s opportunity. First we must recognize our
need. Often this means helplessness before some weakness or
sickness and an admission of our need for help. Next comes
faith in the power of God’s spirit, available to us to meet
that need. Before any need can be met, our faith must find
expression. That expression of faith is all God needs to
manifest His power in our lives. Faith is the key that
unlocks the storehouse of God’s resources.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may first admit my needs. I pray that then
I may have faith that God will meet those needs, in the
way which is best for me.