Before I met A.A. I was very dishonest. I lied to my wife
constantly about where I had been and what I’d been doing.
I took time off from the office and pretended I’d been
sick or gave some other dishonest excuse. I was dishonest
with myself, as well as with other people. I would never
face myself as I really was or admit when I was wrong. I
pretended to myself that I was as good as the next fellow,
although I suspected I wasn’t. Am I now really honest?
Meditation For The Day
I must live in the world and yet live apart with God. I can
go forth from my secret times of communion with God to the
work of the world. To get the spiritual strength I need, my
inner life must be lived apart from the world. I must wear
the world as a loose garment. Nothing in the world should
seriously upset me, as long as my inner life is lived with
God. All successful living arises from this inner life.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may live my inner life with God. I pray that
nothing shall invade or destroy that secret place of peace.