Our Folded Hands

Women helping Women. Reaching out to the Sister who still suffers. Helping each other through the Good times and the Difficult times. To get to the SOBER way of life, One Day at a Time.

Daily Readings And Meditations

Pretty Purple Flowers

New Beginnings

Pride, we are told, my children, “goeth before a fall” and oh, the pride was there, and so the fall was not far away. —Wilhelmina Kemp Johnstone— Requesting help. Admitting we are wrong. Owning our mistake in either a big or small matter. Asking for another chance or someone’s love. All very difficult to do, and yet necessary if we are to grow. The difficulty is our pride, the big ego. We think, “We need to always be right. If we’re wrong, then others may think less of us, look down on us, and question our worth.” Perfectionism versus worthlessness. If we are not perfect (and of course we never are), then we must be worthless. In between these two points on the scale is “being human.” Our emotional growth, as women, is equal to how readily we accept our humanness, how able we are to be wrong. With humility comes a softness that smoothes our every experience, our every relationship. Pride makes us hard, keeps us hard, keeps others away, and sets us up for the fall. I will let myself be human today. It will soften my vision of life.

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A DAILY TUNE-UP Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 85 How do I maintain my spiritual condition? For me it’s quite simple: on a daily basis I ask my Higher Power to grant me the gift of sobriety for that day! I have talked to many alcoholics who have gone back to drinking and I always ask them: “Did you pray for sobriety the day you took your first drink?” Not one of them said yes. As I practice Step Ten and try to keep my house in order on a daily basis, I have the knowledge that if I ask for a daily reprieve, it will be granted.

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Always I’ve found resisting temptation easier than yielding—it’s more practical and requires no initiative. —Alice B. Toklas— If temptation is easy to set aside, it can’t tempt us very strongly. The real, insidious temptations are the ones to which we yield unthinkingly: temptations to inertia, for example, or to stinginess or self-punishment. It’s part of our puritan heritage that makes us equate “temptation” with “indulgence.” We’re armed against sensuous indulgence; we can be strong in resisting a casual romance, a piece of pecan pie, or an extra hour’s sleep. We don’t feel tempted by the small meannesses that nibble away at our souls, and therefore we yield without examining alternatives. Can we learn to recognize these little temptations to anger, to a closed heart? Can we learn to see the feelings that we’re tempted to suppress—feelings of love, pity, or communion with others—as occasions for spiritual growth and deliverance? I needn’t deprive myself of joy. Learning to recognize what tempts me to joylessness will help me to develop my spiritual wealth.

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Keep It Simple

Every child is an artist. The problem is remain an artist once your grow up. —Pablo Picasso— We each have colorful ideas waiting to be shared. We’re alive inside. But do we let this side of us show? Our disease stole much of the child like openness. Many of us were taught that growing up meant denying the child within us. Many of us grew up in homes where it wasn’t safe to act alive and creative. Whatever the reason, it’s time to claim the child, the artist, in each of us. Each of our programs is different, and each has its artistic touch. When we tell our stories, we share our life. And our lives are unique and alive. The more alive we become, the more color we bring to others and ourselves. Let’s not be afraid to add color to our lives. Prayer for the Day:  Higher Power, help me claim the child inside of me. Joy is choice. Help me choose it. Action for the Day:  Today, I’ll work at not hiding myself from others. I’ll be alive, and I’ll greet everyone I meet with the openness of a child.

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Thought For The Day

What am I going to do today for A.A.? Is there someone I should call up on the telephone or someone I should go to see? Is there a letter I should write? Is there an opportunity somewhere to advance the work of A.A. which I have been putting off or neglecting? If so, will I do it today? Will I be done with procrastination and do what I have to do today? Tomorrow may be too late. How do I know there will be a tomorrow for me? How about getting out of my easy chair and getting going? Do I feel that A.A. depends partly on me today? Meditation For The Day Today look upward toward God, not downward toward yourself. Look away from unpleasant surroundings, from lack of beauty, from the imperfections in yourself and in those around you. In your unrest, behold God’s calmness; in your impatience, God’s patience; in your limitations, God’s perfection. Looking upward toward God, your spirit will begin to grow. Then others will see something in you that they also want. As you grow in the spiritual life, you will be enabled to do many things that seemed too hard for you before. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may keep my eyes trained above the horizon of myself. I pray that I may see infinite possibilities for spiritual growth.

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My Thoughts For The Day

🌺Hello Fabulous, Wonderful, Strong, Beautiful Sister ❗👋👭…What a Great Day we have been given to take part in…🌈🌞 …And it is up to us How our day will flow ❓…We can rush out the door and be hurried and short tempered with people all the day long, beating ourselves up as we go…🚶‍♀️🤬🤼‍♀️…Or we can Start our day with a MIGHTY Strength, our prayers, meditation and of Course, Our HIGHER POWER ❗ …😇🙏✨…For With This Presence through out our Day, We have a Great Chance of Keeping HOSTAGES out of our closets…🔪👥🔫…The Right Perspective, Attitude and WILLINGNESS to GROW today…💦🌱=🌴…We can Love ourselves and others in all types of situations…🚦🚗🏪🚑🚒…You Are So Lovable today❗…👩‍❤️‍👩💐💝…And what a Gift YOU ARE…🎀🎁…HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY❗ and if no one has told You today,” I LOVE YOU❗ “…🤗💖🦋🦅🦆🐣🐥🐤💐🌈🦄☕☕💋💋💋💄

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