why not

But when we are drinking, it is only numb for a moment in time… Then we come to,,, and the Guilt and Shame of that last DRINK seep through us like a COLD RIVER… If your anything like me, I have to start checking who I called. Trying to remember what I MIGHT have said??? […]

Walking through it…

I am so afraid of giving up complete control to my Higher Power. I want to Trust Him with my whole life! For when I look back on the wreck I made of my life when drinking and drugging, the choices I was making. I say to myself, ” How can I think of considering […]

I’ve Lived 2 Different Lives

I feel like I have lived 2 different lives in just one lifetime. The life of an alcoholic and addict and the life of a more normal sane person. The first time I drank I was in 3rd grade and it was also the first time I got extremely drunk. By 5th grade my friends […]

Depressed and Isolated

I am trying not to isolate .. to get out of my head and go do something with someone other than those closest to me… I want to have a life beyond my front door.. But my MIND keeps telling me, no one wants to know you, who do you think you are??? You are […]


life can be rough when your not drinking…